
It is important to see what was done in the past. History does tend to repeat itself. But also in looking at film, a lot of great filmmakers used techniques or gained inspiration from what was used before.

My Old About Me

My Certification

What is “the casual professional” all about?

I give you one word: Accessibility.

What I have found out is that I really don’t enjoy interviews. To put it plainly, why can’t we just all talk casually over a hot beverage? Why do we have to be on our best behavior, when not everyone is going to be that great when they finally do get hired? Yes, there are some employees that will be nearly perfect throughout the whole experience, but why are you asking me to not be me in the interview? Don’t get me wrong; I know you are looking for someone to fit the mold you set out to create. But a lot of times, if I say something that’s true to myself, I won’t be getting hired.

Example: I am a board game designer. I’m very passionate about it, and I think some companies take that as I can’t be as passionate about work, as I have something else already that I’m passionate about. Or they don’t see me as someone who they believe will stick around for years to come.

While those are valid points, you told me to be myself.  You asked me to be authentic. Why is it that I have mostly seen that I have to leave myself out of the interview, and pick and choose moments that might be what you are looking for? Why is this out-of-context version of myself better? It does not feel like me.

But Accessibility that’s what you are here for. I like working in places that allow me to provide Accessibility to other people. What does that look like?

Apparel Associate

As an apparel associate, I fold clothes to make them accessible to our customers.  I want to make sure the clothing sizes are visible and in the correct order to allow the customers to navigate them better.

Accounting for the Color Blind

In the spring of 2017, I had the privilege of discovering how accounting for the color blind can make or break a game design. I didn’t account for the color blind in one of my designs, and because of that instance, some players had a harder time playing my game than intended. So making not only games but other areas of our lives color blind friendly is a greater priority to me now.

The main way I’ve seen designs account for color blindness has been when a symbol or pattern has accompanied a change in color.

Farm Hand

I liked working on a farm. I especially enjoyed sorting the corn, as I perfected a way to fit all 32 ears in a basket while still making the basket easily stackable for my other co-workers on the wagon.

The Casual Professional

The idea for The Casual Professional is that I’m still a professional, but I would rather talk to you in a casual setting than the traditional “professional” one, as the casual setting feels more accessible to me.